Rethinking the Divorce Process
divorce, divorce process, emotions, law, legal, marriage, Ostrom, raw emotions, Research and Trends, strong emotions
Recently, a Kansas man made national news when he proposed an alternative means to resolve his ongoing custody dispute. Mr ...

Let’s Make January “National Divorce Month”
Every month has at least one theme, and since there are more initial filings for divorce during the month of ...

Bevin’s Pardoning of a Convicted Child Rapist
bad behaviors, child rape, child rapist, Kentucky, Matt Bevin, pardon, parenting traumatized child, Research and Trends, trauma, traumatized child
I was both horrified and disgusted when I read outgoing Governor Matt Bevin’s justification for pardoning a man convicted of ...

New York’s New Bail Reform Law Jeopardizes the Safety of Domestic Violence Victims
abuse, bail reform, domestic partner, domestic violence, January 2020, New York, physical assault, Research and Trends, victims, victims safety
Prior to January 1, 2020, if a person was arrested in the state of New York for a physical assault ...

Joint Custody: Courts Now Recognize Both Parents Have Rights
divorce, equal responsibilities, equal rights, four pillars, joint custody, parenting, Research and Trends
Over the past decade, courts have transitioned from assuming that children should primarily reside with their mother to assuming there ...

When Others Are Angry Over Your Divorce
During your divorce process, you will be required to contend with people in your life who will grieve the loss ...

New and Novel Family Structures
children, custody evaluation, divorce, interracial couples, non-traditional family structures, parenting, Research and Trends, same-sex couples
The traditional family structure of a man and a woman raising children is no longer the only possibility. For example, ...

Vaccinations Are in Your Children’s Best Interest
Due to recent measles outbreaks throughout the US, and the numerous lawsuits that have followed, vaccinations are a very hot ...

What Is a Parent Coordinator?
Divorce creates many emotions, and these emotions may cloud your judgment during attempts to co-parent your children with your former ...

Splitting the Four Pillars of Decision-Making
activities, divorce, education, four pillars decision making, joint decision making, medical, religion, Research and Trends
When it comes to deciding decision-making responsibilities during a divorce, you may hear lawyers and judges refer to the four ...
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Dr. Marc Abrams
(914) 864-3327
(914) 666-2735
(914) 666-2735